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Perkforce App for Slack

Perkforce integration for Slack will help you connect your perkforce organization with your Slack workspace.
Install Guide

Get It Done With Us

Create your perks in perkforce and easily notify your Slack workspace users from inside perkforce with just one click.


Content Management

All perks/benefits you create inside perkforce are fully customizable, and your to keep. You are the admin of your organization.



Got a perk you want to public at some specific date & time? worry not! Perkforce got you covered.



Do just create and share, Learn & improve from it! with perkforce powerful analytics you get full insights on how a perk is doing.


Analyze Data

Perkforce provides many tools to analyze your data. some of them are

  • Perks analytics
  • Benefit analytics
  • Perk categories analytics
  • Benefit Categories analytics
  • and more…


Build a Stronger Relationship with Your Users

Perkforce will help you strengthen your relationship with your relation. some of the key features you get with perkforce are


  • Perks & Benefits
  • Users (Employees & Administrators)
  • Insights (Perks, Categories, …)
  • Connections
  • Purchasable
  • Integrations (Stripe, Slack, …)
  • Setting (Profile, Organization)

Managing Your Perks Doesn’t Have to Be Hard.

Now you don’t have to worry about properly creating & notifying your company perks to your users. Perkforce not only help you create, keep record & share your perks to your organization users, but also provide you many other powerful tools to analyze your data you last shared, learn from it & improve using what’s working.

How it works

Step by Step Guide

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